The Town of Ladysmith adopted its new Official Community Plan (OCP) in May 2023.
An OCP is a policy document that influences how people experience their town. This includes how we live, gather, work, learn, recreate, shop, and move around the community. At its heart, an OCP is about managing land use and the physical growth of the town.
As a result, an OCP influences transportation and housing choices, greenhouse gas emissions, community character, health and equity, housing affordability, protection of ecological areas, resource management, and how much it costs to pay for Town infrastructure such a pipes and streets.
The Town created an OCP Steering Committee, comprised of key stakeholders representing various segments of the population, to help facilitate this process. They also sought the community’s input through a variety of public engagement opportunities.
The OCP review was coined ‘Unparalleled 2049’ in reference to the community’s location on the 49th Parallel and Council’s commitment to climate action and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions ahead of the 2050 net zero emissions deadline.