Public art is a highly visible, accessible, and engaging way of telling stories on a community-wide scale. Through mixed media artistic platforms, public art can make us stop, re-examine, and spark conversation about the ideas that art brings to our lives and communities.

Public art reflects the identity of our Town, gives voice to community and builds relationships between diverse groups. Public art gives meaning to place by interpreting the natural, social, cultural and built environment.

In February 2019, the Ladysmith Public Arts Strategy was completed. The Ladysmith Public Arts Strategy was developed through extensive public consultation.  The first priority outlined within the strategy was the development of a Public Art Policy. 

In January 2020, Town Council approved the Public Art Policy.

The purpose of the Public Art policy is to:

  • Increase the liveability and artistic richness of the municipality by making art a permanent part of our environment and a legacy for future generations.
  • Provide opportunities for the public to engage with and increase their awareness, appreciation, knowledge and education of public art.
  • Develop a sense of place, community pride and identity through the creation of new works.
  • Integrate art and artists into a variety of public settings.
  • Create art that inspires people and is an expression of the time.
  • Enhance the attractiveness of the Town and promote cultural tourism.
  • Provide opportunities for artists at all levels and career stages.
  • Serve as an act of public trust and stewardship for public art.
  • Establish a sustainable funding mechanism to support the Town’s commitment to public art.

The Public Arts Policy ensures that public art is:

  • To celebrate and commemorate local stories of place; contributing to the Town’s character and is demonstrating the significance of art in community life.
  • To create or select works with genuine intentions to ensure transparency through an informed, open and fair public art competition process.
  • To showcase a variety of art forms and creative methods including temporary & performance arts; reflective of a wide range of professional artistic expression and practice, demonstrating excellence, quality and innovation.
  • A catalyst for creativity by providing opportunities for community engagement, development and partnerships.
  • To represent local community-based projects; and considers regional, national or international submissions when appropriate.
  • To support and enhance the visual heritage and stories of Stz’uminus First Nation.
  • To enhance the public realm; ensuring the public shall have free and unobstructed access.
  • To spark conversation and gathering in public places.
  • Integrated into the planning, design and execution of applicable civic development.
  • To promote belonging, social cohesion, & inclusivity.

For more information on Public Arts in Ladysmith, contact Don Stewart at 250.245.6424 or

Call for Poetry: Kay Grouhel interpretive panel

The Town of Ladysmith is seeking a poem written by a resident of Ladysmith and surrounding area or Stz’uminus First Nation that recognizes former Mayor Kathleen 'Kay' Grouhel and her contributions to the community.

The complete poem will be displayed on a historical interpretive panel at Transfer Beach while the poem's title or a standalone line of the poem will be stamped onto two concrete planters that will be placed nearby. The selected poet will also receive a $500 honorarium.

Interested participants must submit a completed entry form that includes their poem to before 4:00 pm on Monday, March 31, 2025.