Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Tel: 250-245-6400 Fax: 250-245-6411 Email:
Here you will be able to find all our other programs and projects for a sustainable summer. Please contact us with program suggestions or projects that you think would create a more sustainable Ladysmith.
The Town of Ladysmith hosted its 3rd annual Native Plant Giveaway on May 24th 2023 where free native plants were given away to Ladysmith residents to encourage their incorporation in home gardens.
Gardening with native plants is an effective way to help conserve water as these plants are adjusted to the local climate including many being drought resistant. The summer months can be extremely dry, leading to an increase in water usage. However, native plants help conserve this valuable resource. Native plants also support local ecosystems and biodiversity through their attraction of pollinators.
The event was very popular once again this year with the Town giving away approximately 100 plants.