The Ladysmith Community Health Centre, formerly the Ladysmith Hospital, is a Primary Health Care Centre designed to provide a range of health and community services in one central location. The Centre is located in the Central Island Health Service area of the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA). You may visit the VIHA website for information about all the Island health care services.

Ladysmith Community Health Centre                 
1111 4th Avenue
PO Box 10 Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A1 Main Switchboard: 250.739.5777
Current Services Available at the Health Centre are as follows:
Urgent Care/Clinical Day Care Hours Posted Daily on Community Health Site
Acute medical health issues due to injury of illness - if severe call 911.  Booked procedures e.g. casts, IV's, Senior's Risk Assessments. 
Physiotherapy Assessments and Treatments - Referral - self, practitioner 250.739.5788 local 54857
Falls Protection Program - a multidisciplinary assessment and rehabilitation program aimed at keeping seniors healthy, on their feet and in their homes.
Diabetes Education  
Education, monitoring & support re management of diabetes, self testing, diet counseling.  Each Monday morning by appointment - drop in most Mondays 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.  1st Friday of the month, morning support group.  Physician referral call 709.300.5600 for an appointment.
Nutrition Counseling  
Nutrition assessment, education & recommendations.  Tuesday by appointment.  Referral by health practitioner.  Call 250.739.5788 local 54810.
Ladysmith Family Practice Clinic  
Ladysmith based primary health care - acute illness & injury care, chronic disease management, pallative care, assessment and referral, preventative and wellness.  Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, RN's, Support Staff.  hours Monday - Friday - variable - by appointment.  Referral: self - priority given to patients who do not have a local practitioner.  Call 250.739.5784.
Child Health Clinics  
Infant immunization and assessment, family coaching, support group.  Staffed by Public Health nurses.  Monday to Friday - variable hours.  Referral: self, health practitioner.  Call 250.755.3388.
Youth Health Clinics  
Drop in clinic for teens for birth control and STI testing, and information.  Staffed by Public Health Nurses.  Hours: Wednesdays 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.  Referral: self, school, Health Practitioner.  Call 250.755.3345.
Prenatal and postpartum care - Laurie Untereiner - referral by self or other Health Practitioner.  Call 250.246.4083
Child and Youth Mental Health Services, MCFD
Multidisiplinary Team providing clinical and psuchiatric assessment, treatment, integrated case management, consultation and advocacy to children, youth and their families who are seeking assistance wiht a Mental Health concern.  The Aboriginal Outreach team provides Mental Health Services to urban Aboriginal, First Nations and Metis children and their families.  Nanaimo Main Office hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  Referral: open to anyone to call Intake Clinician through Nanaimo.  Call 250.741.3600 Toll Free: 1.866.722.2235.
Youth and Family Addiction Services  
Individual (<19) and / or family counseling related to substance use / misuse.  hours 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.  Anyone can refer, provided the youth has consented to the referral, as services are voluntary.  Call 250.739.5788 local 54806
Adult Mental Health and Addictions  
Intake assessments, screening, short-term follow up & referrals to community resources for those 19 - 65 with mental health & addiction issues.  Hours: Monday - Friday by appointment.  Referral self-referrals, clinicians, GP's, community agencies.  Call 250.739.5788 local 54804 Crisis line 250754.4447 if urgent.
Home & Community Care  
Call intake for all programs 250.739.5749 or 1.877.734.4101.
Long Term Care Case Manager  
Assessment of need for assistance in the home, referral to other HCC services & Adult Day Care or admission to Assisted Living or Facility Care.  Referral: Self, family
Home Care Nursing  
Nursing care in the community - dressing, teaching, palliative care and assessment and referral to other clinicians.  Referral: Self, family or practitioner/clinician by calling Intake in Nanaimo.
Home Support  
Assistance (eg. bathing) to eligible clients who have health care needs as a supplement to support self/family care to allow the client to remain in their home.  Referral: Home & Community Care clinician.
Therapeutic Services
Home assessment, education and treatment.  Stroke Rehab Program  Staff:  Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist.  Referral: Self, family or practitioner/clinician by calling Intake in Nanaimo.
Adult Day Care
Day program for eligible adults - mostly seniors - to provide social, physical and mind stimulating activities as well as respite for caregivers.  Includes education, treatment and assessment by clinicians as appropriate.  transportation available.  Hours: Monday - Friday as per individual assessed need.  Refferal: Home & Community Care Case Manager.  (Intake as above)
Non invasive radiological exams.  Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. closed for lunch 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.  Referral: Health Care Practitioner.  Call 250.739.5788 local 54858.
Specimen collection, ECG's, 24 hour heart monitors.  Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  Referral: Health Care Practitioner.  Call 250.739.5786

Other Ladysmith Services:

Hillside Medical  
The Hillside Medical Centre at 541 3rd Avenue is a traditional family practice clinic.  Call 250.245.2235 to inquire about appointment availability.
Private Offices - Chiropractors, Dentists, Massage Therapists, Optometrists, Physiotherapists, etc.
A number of private offices, such as dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, optometrists and others are also located in the community.
Seniors / Assisted Living in Ladysmith
Gulf View Estates  La Rosa Gardens Oyster Harbour Seniors Community
Ladysmith Senior Citizens Housing Society Oceanview Seniors Manor

For further information on health care services in BC:

Just three numbers - 8-1-1 - on the phone or online at means easy access to non-emergency health information.

  • Speak with a nurse about your symptoms, consult with a pharmacist about your medication questions, or get healthy eating advice from a dietitian. You can also find the publicly funded health services and resources you need, closest to you.
  • Any time of the day or night, every day of the year, HealthLink BC is as close as your phone or the web 24/7.  

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