Untitled design (2)

What types of Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Can I Build?


Secondary suites (including suites in duplexes), coach houses, and duplexes are allowed in most “single-family” zones. Townhouses and multi-unit dwellings are permitted in the R-2 and C-1 zones. To determine the zoning of your property, please refer to the Zoning Bylaw or the Town’s web map. Specific rules for SSMUH can be found in the Zoning Bylaw.

Where is ssmuh allowed in ladysmith?


SSMUH is allowed in some form in the following zones:

  • Single Dwelling Residential (R-1)
  • Single Dwelling Residential – Small Lot A Zone (R-1-A)
  • Old Town Residential (R-2)
  • Local Commercial (C-1)
  • Rural Residential (RU-1)
  • Tourist Service Commercial (C-4)
  • Primary Agriculture (A-1)
  • Agriculture and Resort Recreation (A-RR)
  • Malone Residential (CD-3)

What types of SSMUH housing can I build?


Property owners looking to build SSMUH should contact Development Services to determine what regulations apply, and what permits are required.


Allowed in Most "Single-Family" Zones

  • Secondary suites (including suites in duplexes)
  • Coach houses
  • Duplexes

  • Permitted in R-2 and C-1 Zones

  • Townhouses
  • Multi-unit dwellings

  • To determine the zoning of your property, please refer to the Zoning Bylaw or the Town’s web map. Specific rules for SSMUH can be found in the Zoning Bylaw

    How Many Units Can I build?


    For properties in eligible zones and outside of extension areas, up to four units can be constructed on lots between 280 m2 and 4,050 m2, and up to three units can be constructed on lots less than 280 msubject to other regulations and site limitations. 

    If your property is within an extension area, the number of units you can build is limited to the number of units you could build under zoning prior to June 27, 2024. However, property owners can still build new SSMUH housing types.


    If your property is in an extension area, and in a zone that previously allowed only a single-family dwelling and secondary suite (two units) you may now be able to build up to two units in the form of a duplex, single -family dwelling with a coach house or single-family dwelling with a suite.

    To determine if your property is in an extension area, please refer to the Town’s web map.


    My Property is in an Extension Area, What does this mean?


    Extension areas are areas where infrastructure upgrades are needed to accommodate SSMUH, and therefore the number of units on properties in extension areas is limited to what was allowed under zoning prior to June 27, 2024 (see ‘How many units can I build?’). Extension areas must be approved by the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry is still reviewing the Town’s application.

    Extension areas are not permanent and apply until one of the following occurs:

    • The infrastructure upgrades are completed
    • A new expiry date is specified by the Ministry of Housing
    • December 31, 2030

    Whichever occurs first.

    To determine if your property is in an extension area, please visit the Town’s web map. If your property is in an extension area, please check this webpage regularly for updates on the status of the extension areas.

    Do I require permits?


    Yes. Any modifications to an existing home or construction of a new home requires a building permit.

    Failing to apply for a building permit can result in unsafe homes, significant fines, costly demolitions, and notices on title that can affect financing and resale of the property. Some properties are also subject to the requirement for a development permit.

    Anyone wanting to build SSMUH, should contact the Development Services department as early as possible to determine what permits will be required. 

    Why is SSMUH being allowed in Ladysmith? 


    The Province mandated that the Town amend it’s Zoning Bylaw to allow SSMUH by June 30, 2024.

    For more information visit the B.C. government's website at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/local-governments-and-housing/housing-initiatives/smale-scale-multi-unit-housing.