On this page, you will find copies of some of the most often requested bylaws. The electronic versions of the bylaws are made available for convenience only. Official copies of most City bylaws can be obtained from City Hall or by calling 250.245.6400 or email: info@ladysmith.ca.

Animal Control Bylaws
 - 1933 Parks Usage re Dogs in Parks
 - 1155 Dog Licensing, Control and Pound Bylaw Consolidated
Animal and Poultry Bylaws
 - 1136 Animal and Poultry
Building and Plumbing Bylaws
 - 2174 Building and Plumbing / PDF
 - 1940 Building Fire Sprinkler System
Burning Bylaws
 - 1815 Fire Prevention 
Business Licence Bylaws
 - 1839 Inter-Community Business Licence Bylaw Consolidated
 - 1513 Business Licence
 - 1496 Intermunicipal Business Licence
 - 2093 Business Regulations – Rental Units
Cemetery Bylaws
 - 1668 Cemetery Bylaw
Council-Related Bylaws
 - 1666 Council Procedure Bylaw
 - 1986 Council Remuneration
 - 2119 Public Notice
Development Approval Information Bylaws
 - 2179 Development Procedures
 - 1887 Development Approval Information
Development Cost Charges (DCC) Bylaws
 - 2008 Development Cost Charges (DCC) Bylaw
Election Bylaws
 - 1964 General Local Election and Assent Voting
 Events Bylaw
 - 2196 Special Event
Fees and Charges Bylaws
 - 2178 PRC Fees and Charges (2024-2027)
 - 1644 Fees and Charges consolidation
Filming Bylaw
 - 2045 Film Bylaw
Fireworks Bylaw
 - 2115 Fireworks Bylaw
 - Fireworks Permit Application
 - Pyrotechnic Permit Application
Garbage / Sewer / Water Rates Bylaws
 - 1298 Waterworks Regulations and Rates - Consolidated
 1299 Sanitary Sewer System Rates - Consolidated
 1588 Garbage Recycling and Organics Collection Bylaw - Consolidated
 - 411 Plumbing and Sewer Connection Bylaw - Consolidated