Utility Due Dates for 2025

Quarter Billing Dates Due Date
Fourth Quarter                    October - December 2024                          February 27, 20245
First Quarter January - March 2025 May 29, 2025
Second Quarter April - June 2025 August 28, 2025
Third Quarter   July - September 2025 November 27, 2025              

You can pay your utility bill directly through our Pre-Authorized Debit program.

All you need to do is fill out the form and return it to us with a void cheque.  We will advise you once your payment plan is set up.  After that, you account will be debited on the bill's due date.  You will still receive your quarterly utility bill. 

You can cancel the pre-authorized debit service by completing the "PreAuthorized Debit Cancellation Form".

Utilities consist of 3 components:  Garbage, Sewer and Water.

These are billed four times a year, after the meters are read.  The billing periods are as follows:  

1st Quarter                    January to March 2nd Quarter    April to June
3rd Quarter July to September             4th Quarter            October to December        

Rates for residential services are as follows:

Garbage - Flat rate of $14.00 per month / service    Sewer - Flat rate of $31.87 per month / unit 
 Water Rates:
For Single Family Dwelling Units the water is on a consumption basis after a flat rate of $60.95 per quarter for the first 25 cubic metres.   A cubic metre (m3) is equal to 220 gallons.  This works out to $20.32 per month.  The rate then varies as shown below: 
0 - 25 m3 $60.95 flat rate
26 - 50 m3 $1.1091/m3
51 - 75 m3 $1.3106/m3
76 - 100 m3 $1.6128/m3
101 - 125 m3 $2.1171/m3
126 m3 & over $2.8228/m3
 Over 200m3 (April to September only) $3.6696/m3
For Metered Single Unit Dwelling with Suite per billing period:
Base Rate, including consumption to 37.50m3 $91.43 
Over 37.50m3 $1.0081/m3

Metered Service for all other users is a flat rate of $60.95 per quarter for the first 25m3 and $1.0081/m3 for any use over 25m3.
Non metered service is $88.39 flat rate, per unit, per quarter.
If you have any questions regarding your utility bill, including your water consumption, please call 250.245.6400 or email finance@ladysmith.ca
To report a leak or to reach the utilities department, please call 250.245.6445.
Click here for information on how to save water.
Click here for garbage information and schedules

Receive your Quarterly Utility Bill By E-Mail

To sign up please email your name and account number to  finance@ladysmith.ca