For Emergencies requiring response from RCMP, Ladysmith Fire Rescue and/or Ambulance, please dial 911.

Slow Down, Move Over

The Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) requires drivers to slow down, and move over when approaching an emergency vehicle stopped at the side of the road with its lights flashing.   Despite being introduced in 2009, many motorists are still unaware of this law.

The Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles has produced a YouTube video to provide a timely reminder for many drivers.  Please take the time to view the video and share it or tweet it with your friends.  Lets keep the road safe for emergency personnel.

Ladysmith Fire/Rescue is a paid-on-call fire department that provides fire protection to the Town of Ladysmith, parts of Saltair and the Diamond Improvement District. The fire protection area spans over 40 square miles.  Ladysmith Fire Rescue is located at 340 6th Avenue and may be reached at 250.245.6436 (non-emergency).

Ladysmith Fire/Rescue Application packages can be downloaded or picked up from Ladysmith Fire Hall or Ladysmith City Hall.  Please return packages to Ladysmith City Hall.

Ladysmith Fire/Rescue is dispatched to approximately 300 calls per year by North Island 911, which is stationed out of Campbell River Fire Station #1.

Ladysmith Fire/Rescue Fire Department Excellence Review (September 2021)

The Fire Department Excellence Review (link below) is an information document that is meant to provide direction to Council as part of the defined budget process as well as its use as a planning tool for the Fire Department over the next five years.
LFR Fire Excellence Review_3Sep2021

Ladysmith Fire Rescue Service consists of 35 paid on-call members:

Fire Chief

Deputy Fire Chief 

Chief Training Officer




Chris Geiger   

Fire Chief

Chris Geiger

Deputy Fire Chief

Matt Rickett
Non-Emergency Contacts            

Ladysmith Fire Rescue
PO Box 760, 340 6th Ave.
Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A5
Phone: 250.245.6436


Motor Vehicle Rescue / Automobile Extrication
Fire Prevention Week / Training Programs
Juvenile Fire Setter Intervention Program
Wildland / Urbane Interface Firefighting
Public Fire and Life Safety Education
Child Restraint Safety Technician
Fire Investigation / Inspection
Hazardous Materials Response
First Responder / Medical Aid
Fire Extinguisher Training
Steep Slope Rope Rescue
Low Slope Rope Rescue
Fire Suppression
Fire Hall Tours


Have you heard of FireSmart? It focuses on strengthening your home's resilience during a wildfire. Did you know that firebrands—hot, flying embers—can travel up to 2 km, igniting spot fires ahead of the main fire? This means that having a FireSmart home is just as crucial in the heart of town as it is on the forest's edge.

Curious if your home is FireSmart? Contact Emergency Management Cowichan to schedule a free home assessment or connect with our FireSmart representatives for more information. To learn more or book your appointment, visit Emergency Management Cowichan's website:

FireSmart Community: Controlling Vegetation

Did you know that uncontrolled vegetation, particularly tall grass, is a fire hazard? Town staff would like to remind property owners that the hot, dry weather creates fire hazards - that's why it's so important to maintain landscaping and ensure that vegetation on all properties, including those that are vacant, is controlled. Owners of vacant land are still responsible for maintenance, even if they don't live there. Please also remember that it's your responsibility to mow long grass on boulevards adjacent to your property.

Let's all do our part to keep our community safe and beautiful!

Before tall grass Lawn After Mowing
 Before  After