Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Tel: 250-245-6400 Fax: 250-245-6411 Email:
A full agenda package is prepared by the Friday before Council and Committee of the Whole meetings and can be found below, under "Current Council Year Documents". Agenda packages are also available for viewing at City Hall.
Minutes of Council and Committee of the Whole meetings are posted on our website within a week after the meeting.
Previous years' Council and Committee of the Whole (formerly Municipal Services Committee) documents are also available by choosing the year from the options on the side menu bar. Council and CoW meetings are held at the Ladysmith Seniors Centre at 630 2nd Avenue. Members of the public may attend meetings in person. Meetings will continue to be live streamed on our YouTube channel. Electronic Meetings: From time to time Council may hold electronic meetings via Zoom and the public may also attend a designated location to view the online meeting. To find out if a meeting is electronic, check next to an agenda below - it will say "in person" or "electronic" and will include a registration link. More information about how to participate electronically can be found here: Zoom Meeting Information.
*Please note large agendas will take longer to load.
Council Meetings begin at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted.