Building Permit Hub

 As of January 1st, 2025, the Town will accept Building Permit Applications via the newly created online provincial Building Permit Hub. The Hub is intended to standardize the application process across jurisdictions in the most simplified manner possible.

The Hub accepts complete Building Permit Applications for Single-detached houses, Duplexes, Accessory Dwelling Units (garden suite, laneway houses etc.) and Triplexes/Fourplexes/Townhouses. While not accepted now, Building Permit Applications for more complex Part 9 or Part 3 buildings, additions/alterations/renovations, site alterations and demolitions will be accepted soon once the province implements further application software.

How do I apply?

To access the Building Permit Hub, please use your BCeID to log in.

Once you have provided all the information needed for the permit, Town staff will be notified and will contact you to discuss further if more details are needed.