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On February 18th, the Town of Ladysmith passed the Town of Ladysmith Animal Control Bylaw 2024, No. 2167 and related Zoning Bylaw changes that allow backyard poultry in designated areas of Town.
What does “Backyard Poultry” mean?
In the Animal Control Bylaw, “Backyard Poultry” means domesticated adult hens (i.e., female chickens and female ducks) that are allowed on a residential property, so long as regulations in the Town of Ladysmith Animal Control Bylaw 2024, No. 2167 and related regulations in the Zoning Bylaw are met.
If your property contains a single-detached residential dwelling, is outside of the Backyard Poultry Exclusion Areas (see Schedule A – Backyard Poultry Exclusion Areas), and falls within the following zones, you may keep up to six (6) hens (i.e., female chickens or ducks):
The Backyard Poultry Exclusion Areas:
The keeping of backyard poultry can contribute to wildlife attractants within urban environments. In response to this, the Town of Ladysmith has established a Backyard Poultry Exclusion Area that includes areas more suitable for wildlife habitat and corridors. Keeping backyard poultry on properties that fall within this exclusion area is prohibited by the Animal Control Bylaw. Additional rules are written into the Animal Control Bylaw to ensure uses related to keeping backyard poultry appropriately manage possible wildlife attractants.
What are some key requirements for keeping backyard poultry?
Below are a few key rules for keeping backyard poultry:
Things to remember when considering keeping Backyard Poultry:
What are some resources to backyard poultry “best practices?