Mar 07, 2025

Town to showcase award-winning Official Community Plan at LGLA Forum

Ladysmith, BC — The Town of Ladysmith has been invited to showcase its award-winning Official Community Plan (OCP) at a major local government forum next month.

Jake Belobaba, Ladysmith’s Director of Development Services, and Tricia McKay, the Town’s Acting Mayor, will share their experiences leading the OCP review at the Local Government Leadership Academy (LGLA) Forum in Richmond on Thursday, March 13. Their presentation will offer insights into how local government staff can develop meaningful strategies to support and engage in the OCP review process, with a focus on the roles and responsibilities of community leaders.

“It is exciting to be sharing Ladysmith’s success story. With the event theme of public engagement, having an OCP process recognized for its range of meaningful and spontaneous opportunities for public engagement certainly makes us a good fit. Despite being a small community, we’ve always set the bar high in this area; consistently winning awards for planning projects, including the Waterfront Area Plan in 2018, the Sustainable Community Visioning Project in 2009 and Ladysmith Unparalleled,” says Jake Belobaba, Ladysmith’s Director of Development Services. “Sharing the secrets of our success not only helps other communities but provides opportunities for us to learn what’s working elsewhere.”

“I am pleased to be representing Ladysmith at the Local Government Academy Forum. This invitation speaks to the strength of our community’s vision and the dedication of our staff in creating an inclusive and forward-thinking plan for Ladysmith’s future,” says Tricia McKay, Acting Mayor.

The Town launched its Official Community Plan review in 2021, culminating in the adoption of Ladysmith Unparalleled in May 2023. A key pillar of the process was community engagement, which remained central throughout. Public participation included a Big Ideas Fair, workshops, walk-shops, bike-shops, surveys, a community “plancake” breakfast. The plan was available for public review eight months prior to the required public hearing, and adopted with amendments based on public feedback.

In 2024, Ladysmith Unparalleled received the Silver Award for Excellence in Policy Planning (Small Town & Rural Areas) from the Planning Institute of British Columbia (PIBC), recognizing its innovative and forward-thinking approach.

The Town’s inclusive engagement process allowed community members, staff, key contributors, the steering committee, and Council to shape a shared long-term vision for Ladysmith.

“The Town is honoured to be invited to the Local Government Leadership Academy Forum and have staff share their experience creating an award-winning Official Community Plan, which has earned praise from around the province. This forum will help further establish Ladysmith as a leader in community-driven planning and public engagement,” says Nicholas Pescod, the Town’s Communications & Engagement Specialist.

For the latest news and updates, visit the Town’s website at, as well as Facebook and Instagram.

The Town of Ladysmith respectfully acknowledges that we gather and work on the unceded territory of the Stz'uminus First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land.


Media Contact
Nicholas Pescod
Communications & Engagement Specialist