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Ladysmith Council met for a Regular Meeting of Council on April 16, 2024 with the 2023 audited financial statements and a combined development variance/development permit application among the agenda highlights.
Cory Vanderhost of MNP, auditors for the Town, reviewed the audit of the Town’s 2023 financial statements and advised Council that it was an unqualified or clean audit.
Next, Council approved issuing both a Development Variance Permit and a Development Permit to authorize a coach house dwelling within an existing two-storey accessory building at 1120 2nd Avenue.
Moving on, Council authorized a contract award to MKM Projects Ltd. for the construction management of Phase 2 of the “Heart of the Hub” Machine Shop project, which is grant-funded.
MKM has worked on numerous projects in the area, including the Childcare Expansion at 220 High Street, and has demonstrated the ability to effectively manage grant-funded projects.
Council then approved the Video Surveillance of Civic Property policy to protect the security of the Town’s staff, patrons, assets and property.
The annual property tax bylaws then received first three readings.
The next Regular Meeting of Council is on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.