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The Town of Ladysmith’s fleet of vehicles will carry the ‘Every Child Matters’ decal designed by Stz’uminus artist John Marston as we raise awareness about the impact of residential schools.
The decal initiative is being led by FortisBC in cooperation with Marston, who created the Welcome Figure for Ladysmith Secondary School and is currently also completing the Welcome to Ladysmith signs.
Every Child Matters was established to acknowledge the lost and missing children and the lasting impact of residential schools and colonization on Indigenous people, their families and communities.
Marston’s decal design represents an eagle holding a child.
An event was held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at City Hall in advance of National Indigenous Peoples Day and included the raising of the Stz’uminus First Nation flag which will now be flown permanently in front of the civic building.
The gathering was attended by Ladysmith Council, Stz’uminus Councillors Herb Seymour and Leona Smith, as well as Marston and invited guests.
As part of the Town’s participation in the FortisBC initiative, Council authorized that $1,000 be donated to the Indian Residential School Survivor Society.
The Town made the donation in memory and acknowledgement of the late Mike Charlie, Penelakut School survivor, who collaborated with Marston on this initiative. Mayor and Council would like to express its gratitude and thanks to Charlie’s brother James who attended Tuesday’s event.
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For Information: Mike Gregory Communications and Engagement Specialist | 250.210.1740