Mar 15, 2023
Town hosting event to increase awareness of food related resources
The Town’s Poverty Reduction Task Group is hosting a free Neighbours Sharing Food Fair to highlight the importance of local food access and equity.
With an abundance of food available in our community, the food fair is an opportunity to learn about growing, cooking and preserving food as well as gain a better understanding of how to access local, healthy food.
The free drop-in event is being hosted on Saturday, March 25, 2023 from 11am to 2pm at Ladysmith Secondary School.
A highlight of the day is a cooking demonstration at 11:30 am of a meal made entirely of ingredients found at the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association (LRCA) Food Bank.
The meal cooked during the demo will then be served as a free lunch at 12 pm in the multi-purpose room.
“We really want to continue to generate community connections for anyone who is in need of local, healthy food to know where they can go to access it and feel welcome doing so,” said Rosalie Sawrie, Project Coordinator. “It’s also important for those who want to share food, skills or resources related to food in the community to attend and learn how they can get involved.”
The Neighbour Sharing Food Fair will also feature a variety of tables with information and resources related to food from local growers and food businesses.
Attendees will be able to access community resources, recipes for cooking meals, nutritional information, demonstrations about growing food, along with plant and food giveaways.
The Neighbours Sharing Food event follows on two successful poverty themed film & dialogue nights – Understanding Poverty and Understanding Food Equity. Attendees can continue discussions with neighbours to brainstorm local solutions for improving food access for those in need.
Council created the Poverty Reduction Task Group last year to lead the implementation of the Ladysmith/Stz'uminus CommUNITY Together to End Poverty Hw-nuts'-ulwum (as one) Poverty Reduction Strategy as a result of funding received from the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM).
The Town’s Poverty Reduction Task Group is made up of members from the Town of Ladysmith, Stz’uminus First Nation, Ladysmith Family & Friends (LaFF), Ladysmith Resource Centre Association (LRCA), Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, School District 68, Island Health, Our Cowichan Health Network, Social Planning Cowichan and members of the public.
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