Nov 25, 2022

Town appoints new Manager of Protective Services

The Town of Ladysmith is pleased to introduce Chris Geiger as the municipality’s new full-time Fire Chief/Manager of Protective Services.

Geiger has acted as the Ladysmith Fire/Rescue (LFR) Chief since April 2020 and has been a firefighter locally since 2007.  During his tenure with LFR, he has served as Lieutenant, Captain and Chief Training Officer.

Geiger has also been with CFB Esquimalt Fire/Rescue since June 2018.

The new Manager of Protective Services role, approved by Council as part of the 2022 Budget, was created to ensure the delivery of quality fire protection, rescue, prevention and inspection services for the Town and area.

Geiger will liaise with Town staff, public safety, and emergency response agencies, as well as the public on strategic and operational aspects of fire and rescue operations, and prevention.

He will also coordinate Ladysmith’s local emergency management response efforts in cooperation with the Cowichan Valley Regional District and local partners.

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For Information:
Mike Gregory
Communications and Engagement Specialist | 250.210.1740