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Ladysmith Council met for a virtual Regular Meeting of Council on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 with the development permit for 336 Belaire Street among the agenda highlights.
Council heard a delegation from the Ladysmith Resources Centre Assocation’s Executive Director Karen Laird and Board president Vicky Stickwood-Hislop on an annual report update regarding the organization’s operations.
The LRCA is a non-profit charity offering over a dozen programs, resources and services that enhance the quality of life in Ladysmith and surrounding area.
Moving on, Council issued a development permit to allow for construction of a four storey commercial and residential building at 336 Belaire Street, subject to a security bond for landscaping.
Council also authorized an encroachment agreement between the Town and the property owner to allow a plaza to extend into the Rigby Place right-of-way.
In January 2020, 336 Belaire Street (the subject property) was rezoned from C-1 (Local Commercial) to the CD-6 Zone (Comprehensive Development 6 – Belaire Mixed Use Zone).
A density bonus provision of the CD-6 zone requires the property owner at 336 Belaire Street to do the following:
Moving on in the agenda, Council approved granting Westmark Construction Ltd an exemption to the Town’s Noise Suppression Bylaw to permit construction at 107 Rollie Rose Drive until 8 pm, Monday to Thursday, beginning Aug. 9, 2021 until Sept. 30, 2021.
Council then authorized Councillor Stevens to replace Councillor Paterson at the virtual 2021 Union of BC Municipalities annual convention on September 14-17, 2021.
Council also appointed Councillor McKay as an alternate voting delegate at the 2021 virtual Municipal Insurance Association of BC annual general meeting, replacing Councillor Paterson.
The next Regular Meeting of Council is scheduled for September 7, 2021.
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