Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Tel: 250-245-6400 Fax: 250-245-6411 Email:
The Town of Ladysmith has hired a contractor to replace the water main along Warren Street, between Fourth Avenue and Hillside Avenue.
The construction project is expected to begin the week of April 15 and take approximately 2 months to complete.
During this time local residents may experience: construction activity and noise, trench excavation in front of your home, temporary loss of water service (the Town will provide additional notice 48 hours in advance of shut-off), increased truck traffic and traffic control stops.
A letter and accompanying map showing where the new water main will be installed were hand-delivered by the Town to residents this week. To view a digital version of the map please click on the image to the left of the screen.
The replacement of the water main is necessary due to a history of pipe breaks in the old pipe material.