Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Tel: 250-245-6400 Fax: 250-245-6411 Email:
A contractor will soon begin harvesting two woodlots in the vicinity of the Heart Lake Trail.
The Heart Lake Trail will remain accessible to the public, pending any sudden or planned intermittent closures.
The Crown licences are for woodlots B18 and B19. The harvesting activity is anticipated to be completed in 5-6 weeks. The work will occur between the hours of 5 am - 5 pm.
During this work period, barricades and signage will be placed along the Holland Lake Connector trail by the contractor to alert the public of the potential for heavy truck traffic.
Additionally, during working hours, flaggers will be stationed at key intersections along the Connector Trail to divert the public onto the hydro access road, which will act as a bypass trail around the work area.
Truck traffic will use Ryan Gate to enter and exit the area, before travelling down to Davis Road and onto Highway 1.
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For Information: Mike Gregory Communications and Engagement Specialist