Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Tel: 250-245-6400 Fax: 250-245-6411 Email:
The Town of Ladysmith has broken ground on an active transportation project in the Colonia Drive/Delcourt Avenue area that will improve walkability and expand our existing active transportation network.
The Town retained contractor, Stone Pacific Contracting Ltd., to install 925 metres of concrete sidewalk, crosswalks, curbs, as well as bike sharrows and traffic calming measures.
The Town received a $296,343 BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant to help partially fund the completion of this project, which will provide pedestrian connections to other nearby amenities, including schools, trails and the Frank Jameson Community Centre.
More specifically, the project is connecting the existing sidewalks along Colonia Drive from Malone Road to Davidson Road, and along Delcourt Avenue from Colonia Drive to Dunsmuir Crescent.
A new solar powered flashing crosswalk will be installed in front of Kinsmen Park – encouraging both safety and sustainable modes of transportation for reaching this popular neighbourhood greenspace.
Parking in front of the park will be reconfigured to allow for on-street parallel parking and include a dedicated accessible parking stall.
Ladysmith’s draft Official Community Plan highlights a goal of prioritizing green, safe, and convenient choices for getting around, including walking, cycling and transit.
The Colonia Drive/Delcourt Avenue active transportation project is anticipated to be completed in summer 2023.
Parking will be restricted in the construction zone between the hours of 7am to 5pm on weekdays.
During this period, local residents may experience:
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For Information: Mike Gregory Communications and Engagement Specialist 250.210.1740