Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Tel: 250-245-6400 Fax: 250-245-6411 Email:
– Ladysmith Council meetings will now be held at the Town-owned building at 630 2nd Avenue, improving our overall capacity to facilitate both meetings and public hearings that allow for increased public participation.
The first Regular Meeting of Council in the new space at the Seniors Centre will occur on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 6:00 pm. As always, members of the public are encouraged to attend in person or watch the meeting live on our YouTube channel.
Ladysmith Council would like to express its sincere appreciation to the Ladysmith Seniors Society during this transition.
As a growing community, City Hall no longer adequately serves as an appropriate venue for Council proceedings. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the needs for improved physical distancing in public settings.
The Seniors Centre allows the Town to accommodate people more comfortably for Council, Committee of the Whole meetings as well as Public Hearings.
Additionally, the Town has invested in new audiovisual technology for the room so that it is more suitable as a meeting space for Council.
The partial use of this equipment will be made available to the Seniors Society for its programming and operations.
Funding for these upgrades is being provided entirely through the Province’s COVID-19 Safe Restart grant.
The Town has no immediate plans for converting the Council Chambers at City Hall.