Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Tel: 250-245-6400 Fax: 250-245-6411 Email:
The Town of Ladysmith is calling for submissions from artists to be part of this exciting opportunity to create public art that will add to our already vibrant downtown and First Avenue.
We are seeking emerging and professional artists of all ages from Ladysmith, Stz’uminus and area to create street banner designs that represent Ladysmith’s small town charm, community life and long, diverse cultural heritage while also highlighting the 2022 theme “Community on the Coast.”
The new banner program aligns with key priorities from Ladysmith Council’s Strategic Plan such as strengthening partnerships, implementing projects for enhancing downtown and rolling out recommendations from the Public Art Strategy.
The two winning designs for 2022 will be installed in the downtown core along First Avenue.
Currently over 150 banners are installed on light standards in Town every summer. Be a part of sharing our story and help us create a welcoming downtown.
Each artist may submit up to two designs and submissions should be received by February 18th at 4 p.m.
The call for submissions, entry form and guidelines are available online at
Two honoraria of $500 each will be awarded. Banners will be displayed May through October 2022.
For Information:
Mike Gregory Communications and Engagement Specialist 250.245.6404 |