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Ladysmith Council met virtually on Tuesday, January 19, 2020 with next steps for looking at repairs to the retaining wall at Ladysmith Community Marina and recommendations from the recent Committee of the Whole meeting among the agenda highlights.
The meeting opened with Council adopting the recommendations from the CoW meeting held on January 12, 2021. The recommendations from the CoW meeting included some of the following:
Moving on in the agenda, Council then directed staff to contract Tetra Tech to complete geotechnical drilling at the Ladysmith Community Marina retaining wall.
The wall, built out of cedar logs, is located adjacent to the marina's parking lot and beginning to lean.
A report will be brought back to Council with options for remediation or replacement of the wall.
Next, Council endorsed supporting the Cowichan Valley Regional District's proposal to apply for, receive and manage the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund -Emergency Support Services (ESS) grant funding on behalf of the Town.
The CVRD is proposing to modernize emergency reception centre with a move toward digital registration and reporting.
The next meeting of Council is scheduled for February 2, 2021 at 7 pm.