Apr 22, 2020

Town considering site to support the community's homeless in self-isolation

Following direction from the provincial government, Town of Ladysmith staff are reviewing the feasibility of a downtown site to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by supporting our community’s homeless to self-isolate during the pandemic.
In late March, the province directed local governments to identify appropriate sites to support the homeless while health orders are still in effect. 
The region struck a COVID-19 Vulnerable Population Cowichan Task Force to develop a regional plan to support self-isolation of this segment of the population. The task force includes senior staff from the Town and Cowichan Region municipalities, as well as representatives from the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association, Cowichan Housing Association, First Nations and other organizations working with vulnerable people.
In consultation with BC Housing, the task force has identified potential sites, both in Ladysmith and elsewhere in the Cowichan Region, to support physical distancing and self-isolation for vulnerable people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 crisis.  
The plan submitted to the province also includes a budget to cover the cost of providing these services.
Criteria under consideration by the task force and Town includes availability of washrooms, showers, food and laundry facilities, security, observing proper physical distancing, the ability for the homeless to self-isolate if they are sick, and a transition plan for when the public health orders are lifted.
More details will be provided by the Town as they become available.