Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Tel: 250-245-6400 Fax: 250-245-6411 Email:
The water main project along the Holland Creek Trail is nearing the final phase and tentatively scheduled for completion towards the end of March.
Access has been restricted at the Mackie Road trailhead since late November as the Town and its contractor complete this important work. We appreciate the understanding of the public, and more specifically the surrounding neighbourhood, during this construction period.
The water main project was part of the Town's long-term work plan but became a high priority following the 2018 windstorm.
During that significant weather event, which caused damage to our trail network, a section of the Holland Creek Trail along a steep embankment partially collapsed - highlighting the need to relocate the water main.
The Town and its contractor have been working together to move the section of water main that runs along the Holland Creek Trail between Mackie Road and Colonia Drive to the upper trail in this area.
Over 315 metres of the new pipe has been installed to date, starting at Colonia Drive. The remaining 100 metre section, to be completed in the coming weeks, extends up to the Mackie Road parking lot.
Once the water main is in the ground, a major part of the final phase will be connecting it to the existing water distribution system, as well as testing and pressurizing the pipe.
The Town will also be doing landscaping and tree planting to restore the area that was impacted by construction.
Thank you for continuing to respect and obey all trail closures associated with this project.