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The Committee of the Whole (CoW) met on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 with Grants in Aid requests and a climate declaration among the meeting highlights.
The meeting opened with a delegation from members of the group One Cowichan advocating that Ladysmith Council declare a climate emergency.
Ladysmith Council has made action on climate change an important priority in many current and future projects as part of its 2020-2023 Strategic Plan.
Following the delegation, the Committee approved a declaration that was prepared in advance of the meeting acknowledging the emergent risks posed by climate change to our economic, social and physical environments, and vowing to continue to "continue to adopt plans, bylaws, policies and spending that: facilitate the smoothest possible socio-economic transition to a low carbon community; mitigate the carbon footprint of the Town and its citizens; and adapt/build public assets to withstand and/or overcome the effects of climate change."
Moving on to the next agenda item, the Committee received an update on options for potential development and lot layouts for the Town-owned property at 1260 Churchill Road.
It was also recommended that Council at its next meeting authorize an additional $15,000 for a geotechnical survey of the properties.
The Town purchased the Churchill Road property to build an emergency bypass route connecting to McKinley Road while construction of the 4th Avenue culvert was taking place. With the completion of that project, Council is now exploring options for the property.
The Committee then reviewed the 2020 Grants in Aid requests and forwarded its recommendations for funding approval to Council. Over 20 submissions were received for Grants in Aid totalling $71,050, requesting support for matters such as events, programming and operating costs.
New for this year, the Committee approved $3,000 in unspent funds from the 2019 Grants in Aid budget to host a grant writing workshop for community groups.
The Committee then referred the Parks and Facility Naming Policy and application process back to Council.
A request in May 2019 from two individuals asking for the Town to rename Russell Road Park prompted Council to direct staff to create the policy.
The document provides direction to staff when a naming request is received from the community.
All of the items approved by the Committee at its January 28, 2020 meeting have been referred to the February 4th Council meeting for final adoption.
The next Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 7 p.m.