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The Town of Ladysmith is improving public safety on our waterfront by installing a Public Access Lifering (PAL) at Transfer Beach Park.
The new lifering is located near the beach and was positioned in advance of the Lifesaving Society’s annual National Drowning Prevention Week (NDPW), taking place July 21-29, 2019.
The Lifesaving Society recently completed a safety audit at Transfer Beach and recommended that publicly accessible rescue equipment, such as a PAL, be installed by the Town to help reduce the drowning risk.
Approximately 500 Canadians die in preventable water-related incidents annually; Even a single drowning is one too many.
The new polyethylene lifering at Transfer Beach is 60 cm in diameter and features four rope grab loops and four reflective bands. It attaches to a 30 metre long rope also made of durable 10 mm thick polyethylene.
The lifering is easy to use and includes instructions on the protective housing case for what to do in the event an emergency.
To prevent theft, vandalism and misuse, the unit has a security seal and a caution sticker that warns against tampering. It is an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada to damage or render the safety equipment useless.
Although PALs are already visible in some BC locations, more installations on unsupervised public beaches have the potential to save lives.
Throughout the year, Ladysmith's Parks, Recreation and Culture department offers learn-to-swim lessons for all ages, as well as courses in first aid and advanced aquatics. To view the most recent program offerings, visit