Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Tel: 250-245-6400 Fax: 250-245-6411 Email:
Town of Ladysmith staff are advising that both Stocking and Holland Lakes have fully refilled to 100% capacity in the last week. Over 300mm (12 inches) of rain has fallen in the Holland Creek watershed in the last 8 days, resulting in the lakes refilling at least 2 weeks earlier than usual.
Both Lakes experienced their lowest level in the second week of October, Holland Lake dropping to 40% of capacity, virtually the same as the previous year, and Stocking dropping to 67% of capacity, slightly better than the previous year. The majority of the Town’s summer consumption comes from Holland Lake.
This year’s total water consumption from January 1 to December 1 is 1,225,000 cubic meters, 7% less than the previous year for the same time period. This covers water supply to both the Town and the Diamond Improvement District, which is also connected to the Town’s water supply. The savings of 89,000 cubic meters over the 11 month period is mostly (95%) due to lower water consumption during the months of July and August, and is attributed to a very successful water conservation program instituted in early July (The Town and the CVRD region instituted Stage 3 water restrictions in the first week of July, due to lower than normal rainfall during the spring and summer of 2015).
Despite nominal population growth, the Town’s per capita total water consumption is continuing it’s trend downward, which has significant benefits environmentally, and financially to the utility.
To view capacity and consumption information please see the Water Data Page.