Committee of the Whole Meeting

Time other than Call to Order is elapsed time.

1. Call to Order (6:30 p.m.)

2. Agenda Approval

3. Minutes

3.1. Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held July 14, 2020
4. Reports

4.1. Official Community Plan Review Presentation and Report

4.2. Proposed Changes to Filming Regulations

4.3. Permissive Tax Exemptions for Tax Year 2020

4.4. Purchasing Policy Update – September 2020
4.5. Tree, Bench and Amenity Dedication Policy

5.Council Submissions
5.1. Protection and Dedication of Park Lands
5.2. Lifeguards at Transfer Beach
5.3. Downtown Public Washroom
6. Correspondence
6.1. Letter dated August 16, 2020 from Jane Kilthei, One Cowichan regarding Climate Action Request
7. New Business
8. Adjournment