Committee of the Whole Meeting

Time other than Call to Order is elapsed time.

1. Call to Order (6:30 p.m.)
0.29 2. Agenda Approval

3. Minutes
0.46 3.1. Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held March 10, 2020
4. Reports
2.19 4.1. Building Inspector's Report from January to June, 2020
3.10 4.2. Ladysmith Fire/Rescue Reports for January to June, 2020
11.35 4.3. Coastal Animal Control Services Reports for January to April, 2020
12.47 4.4. Bylaw Enforcement Report for January to June, 2020
13.16 4.5. Tax Sale for 2020
13.50 4.6. 2020 Q1 & Q2 (January – June) Financial Update
22.06 4.7. Tree, Bench and Amenity Dedication Policy
37.23 4.8. 2020-2023 Strategic Priorities Update

5. New Business
6. Adjournment